Emjoy is a female-founded start-up ( #femtech ) which purpose is to set a safe and reliable platform for all women, regardless of their backgrounds, ethnicities, ages or sexual orientations. Backed-up with educational theoy sessions, and short narrated sensual stories, Emjoy invites women to embrace self-discovery, increase their self-esteem, physical and mental wellness.
I have worked with Emjoy, to create a series of illustrations for the collections and stories audio sessions. Inclusivity, sensuality and female energy being the main drivers all along the creation process, the goal has always been to allow women to recognize and embrace themselves with kindliness.

Through the app and the privacy of their headphones, women have access to amazing sex therapists and mindful experts contents, to assist them in achieving sexual fulfillment. Self-care gets a whole new meaning.
The app is available in App Store & Google Play.
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