Illustrated cover of Kiyémis's book "Je suis votre pire cauchemar !" created by Hina Hundt and published at Les éditions Albin Michel
 ("I am your worst nightmare!") Written by the author and poetess Kiyémis, and published by les éditions Albin Michel
In this book, Kiyémis is tackling the sensitive topic of fatphobia in a french society. All while addressing the normative standards of beauty in France, that have taken a toll on wxmen self-esteem (and actually everyone) ; The book is also a condense of light, to fill up one's self-love gauge.
Roughs of Kiyémis's book cover "Je suis votre pire cauchemar !" created by Hina Hundt and published at Les éditions Albin Michel
Cover illustration of Kiyémis's book "Je suis votre pire cauchemar !" created by Hina Hundt and published at Les éditions Albin Michel
Illustrated cover of Kiyémis's book "Je suis votre pire cauchemar !" created by Hina Hundt and published at Les éditions Albin Michel
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